Airway Clearance Vest
Sleep Therapy 18 Products
Oxygen Equipment 5 Products
AffloVest® by International Biophysics is the latest in HFCWO technology (High-Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation).
- Freedom of movement without external air hoses or bulky generators
- 9 setting variations for individualized treatment
- 7 Sizes Available
- Quiet and lightweight
Air Curve™ 10S HumidAir CPAP
Air Curve™ 10S with HumidAir
Bilevel device is ideal for sleep apnea patients who find it difficult to adjust to therapy on a continuous fixed-pressure machine.
Take great sleep to the next level with myAir™, an exclusive feature available to AirSense™ 10 and AirCurve™ 10 users.
This easy-to-use web program syncs up with the CPAP machine to let users know how well they slept the night before and helps them stay on track throughout the sleep apnea treatment journey. In addition patients receive helpful emails and texts to further engage them in their care and encourage compliance.
Air Sense™ 10 Auto Set CPAP
Air Sense™ 10 Auto Set and Air Sense™ Auto Set for Her
Premium auto-adjusting pressure device (with specialty option for female patients) features integrated humidifier, wireless communications and advanced event detection.
Take great sleep to the next level with myAir™, an exclusive feature available to AirSense™ 10 and AirCurve™ 10 users.
This easy-to-use web program syncs up with the CPAP machine to let users know how well they slept the night before and helps them stay on track throughout the sleep apnea treatment journey. In addition patients receive helpful emails and texts to further engage them in their care and encourage compliance.
Air Sense™ 10 CPAP
Air Sense™ 10 CPAP
Basic fixed-pressure device features integrated humidifier and wireless communications.
Take great sleep to the next level with myAir™, an exclusive feature available to AirSense™ 10 and AirCurve™ 10 users.
This easy-to-use web program syncs up with the CPAP machine to let users know how well they slept the night before and helps them stay on track throughout the sleep apnea treatment journey. In addition patients receive helpful emails and texts to further engage them in their care and encourage compliance.
AirCurve™ 10 VAuto Bilevel
The AirCurve™ 10 Vauto with HumidAir™ and ClimateLineAir is an auto-adjusting bilevel using the AutoSet™ algorithm and natural comfort of the Easy-Breathe waveform to treat noncompliant CPAP patients.
AirFit™ F30 Mask
The AirFit F30 is a minimal-contact full face mask.
AirFit™ N30i Nasal Mask
AirFit N30i is a nasal cradle mask designed to keep air tubing out of sight and out of your way, giving you the freedom to comfortably switch positions and sleep the way you want
AirSense™ 10 CPAP
The RESMED AirSense™ 10 with AutoSet™ and HumidAIR is a premium auto-adjusting pressure CPAP with integrated humidifier and wireless communications.
Amara View Mask
Amara View Minimal Contact Full Face Mask
Innovative design prevents red marks, discomfort or irritation on the nose bridge. Gives the widest field of vision of all leading full face masks and enables wearing glasses, reading or watching television.
DreamWear CPAP
The DreamWear Nasal mask provides the comfort of a nasal pillow mask without the irritation.
DreamWear Gel Pillow Nasal Mask
The DreamWear Gel Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear is the nasal pillow version of the popular DreamWear mask.
DreamWear Mask
The DreamWear full face cushion is designed to fit the innovative DreamWear mask, providing an effective but comfortable seal with minimal contact.
DreamWisp Nasal Mask
DreamWisp nasal mask has tubing at the top-of-the-head allows patients to sleep in any position. Airflow through the mask frame allows patients to sleep comfortably Minimal contact.
EverFlo Q Concentrator
EverFlo Q Oxygen Concentrator: Lightweight for easy transport. Compact design looks less like a medical machine. Ultra quiet operation reduces noise complaints.
Fisher & Paykel Simplus Mask
Fisher & Paykel Simplus has a full face comfort, seal and is easy use.
Fisher & Paykel Vitera Mask
New Fisher & Paykel Vitera Full Face Mask with VentiCool Headgear and RollFit XT Cushion.